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Kathleen Lisson

Kathleen Lisson Profile Photo

Lymphedema Therapist / Author

Kathleen Lisson is a certified lymphedema therapist, therapeutic massage and bodywork therapist, author of Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook, and the owner of Solace Massage and Mindfulness in San Diego.

Kathleen holds a Bachelors of Applied Science degree in massage therapy, but her training certifications do not end there. She is also a Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy certified master aromatherapist, Mclean Meditation Institute certified meditation teacher, and an ACE-certified personal trainer.

Aug. 16, 2022

Swollen, Bloated, and Puffy with Kathleen Lisson

Lymphatic massage expert Kathleen Lisson explains the important role of your ~800 lymph nodes in post-op recovery. If the lymphatic system is disrupted or overwhelmed, which can occur with plastic surgery, lymphatic massage, or manual lymphatic...
July 26, 2022

Patient Kathleen: How I Got Life Flighted To My Nose Job

For our patient Kathleen Lisson, an accident while hiking in the desert led to a broken nose, which led her straight to Dr. Brahme for a rhinoplasty… and while he was at it, a face lift, brow lift, neck lift, chin implant, fat transfer to her cheeks,...