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Taylor Camarena, MA

Taylor Camarena, MA Profile Photo

Medical Assistant

As a medical assistant, Taylor assists with various duties around the practice to keep it running smoothly and successfully.

Aug. 2, 2022

Patient Taylor: Surprisingly Smaller Than Expected

Taylor’s least favorite body part has always been her arms. Working in the medical spa at La Jolla Cosmetic, Taylor knew there were a lot of ways to approach body contouring, including those arms. She had already lost 30 lbs, and plastic surgeon Dr....
Feb. 1, 2022

Meet the Team: Taylor Camarena, Medical Assistant

As a medical assistant at LJC, Taylor Camarena is one of the first people you’ll meet, and she’s just the beginning of a warm and memorable experience. Her kindness, relatability, and her capacity to convey important information are key to helping...